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Why Do I Get Angry So Quickly? Here’s a Hint…

Do you ever wonder where your anger comes from? Well, just know it depends on your personality!  Do you sometimes ask yourself “Why Do I Get Angry So Quickly?”.  Maybe you are typically very quick to anger.  Or, maybe you are more of a slow burn. No matter how fast or slow you are to anger, the secret lies in your personality type.  And, that is unique to you! So you might be interested in what type of personality you are!Why Do I Get Angry So Quickly

This Personality Type Definitely Asks: “Why Do I Get Angry So Quickly?”

If you are an alpha type personality, you might recognise this by your need to take control of your life.  And, sometimes the lives of those around you!

Nothing wrong with this ability to lead and to inspire the people around you.  That is what an alpha type leader does best. You might also recognize the need to do things in a hurry.  And maybe you feel impatient when things don’t happen as fast as you like them to!

But what happens when things don’t go according to plan? Or, when other people don’t follow your lead?

BE careful. The alpha type personality will likely feel impatience quickly escalate to anger.  What’s more, this can happen with frightening speed.

But after the blow up, an alpha is likely to recover very quickly.  And then wonder what all the fuss was about!

What was all the fuss about?

Not all people will be the alpha type. And this means that not everyone wants to be in control or to be the leader. Other people are happy to follow the direction of the alpha. But be aware, not everyone will agree with the direction taken by the leader.

Some people may take longer to agree with any direction, and some may need to apply their logical thought process to evaluate things.

Other personality types would prefer to take their time rather than simply make a snap decision.

This is because there are many other different types of personality – we are all different in some way!

So this can make the alpha type mad!  They can get impatient, frustrated, and generally let everyone know they are not happy.  Have  you ever experienced that? Have you seen someone do that?  Or is that you?  Were you the one asking yourself “Why Do I Get Angry So Quickly?”

Don’t think other personalities are immune from anger.

Far from it.

They just take longer to brew up the anger. They take longer to come to the boil. But, make no mistake, we all experience anger!

So we need to be careful. Because, no matter whether we are quick to anger and a have short fuse, or we have a bit longer fuse – we can still blow up!

And the big problem for people who have a longer fuse is this.  When they are provoked enough to get really mad – they STAY mad for LONGER!

The Recovery Period

It is quite possible for a quick temper to blow over, and suddenly the storm is over.  And there might be a quick apology and then it’s time to move on.  All is forgotten.  In the mind of the one who blew up, anyhow.

But for those who burn red hot and have a huge rage build up inside of them, not so.  It can take a lot longer to get over their anger.

There will be no quick apology and shake of the hands. (Or a quick cuddle – depending on your relationship.)

In fact, it is possible for a slow burn anger to last all week.  Or maybe even longer.

Why Do I Get Angry So Quickly

Is there an answer to “Why Do I Get Angry So Quickly?”

What are we going to do about this?

Well, we need to understand our own personality. And, we need to be aware of how long or short our anger fuse is. This can come in handy when someone is pushing our buttons. Or, when someone is trying to provoke us.

If you feel the anger starting to rise on the inside, it’s time to take a deep breath.  It’s probably best to step away until you calm down.  Developing the skill of self coaching emotions is powerful for managing our anger.

Nothing is achieved by speaking out of anger

If two people are getting emotional over something, it is highly unlikely they will listen to each other.

And that is not really a proper conversation, is it? It’s more like a mutual dialogue.  A two-on-two lecture.  Pissing competition….

Whatever you want to call it, but it just doesn’t work.  Have you ever had one of those?  Or, seen one of those?

There is a better way to sort out differences.  And, it all starts with understanding your personality and how and why you rise to anger. If you want to know more, reach out to talk.

Why Do I Get Angry So Quickly