I had issues that I didn’t realise existed because I used to just bury them and just smoke when I was frustrated not talk about stuff when I was frustrated and will have a go to the packet of cigarettes or lash out at people.
He’s worked out what my personality is how I pick why I do what I do and how I can realise that as a person and try and be more aware of other people and also to try and understand myself and how I fit into people’s lives
I really enjoy speaking to him each week because it gives us a time to talk about what’s been happening how I’ve been feeling about things and tap allow me to think things through verbally in a way that I can understand it but also in a way that he can explain it and he’s very good adapting his explanations to different mindsets and different personalities that is what makes Tony so good at his job.

Dave, Brisbane
January 2023
Tony has helped me tremendously.
He is a great listener, has a lot of experience and was very flexible in his approach with me. He helped me discover my strengths and weaknesses but also gave me some concrete tools to help better manage my feelings and control my emotions.
I’d recommend Tony to anyone willing to improve their personal and professional relationships.
Ronny, Sydney
June 2022
You threw me a lifeline! Well you were trying to throw it to me for a while, but it finally got through. I apologised to the people around me and explained why I was so angry. But I wasn’t using it as an excuse, I just have to stop falling into emotional traps. So now I can start with a clean slate, and it seems like things are on the right track. I feel a lot better.
Chass Moller-Neilsen, Brisbane
November 2021