Your Ideal Solution For Effective Anger Management is Our:

Online Anger Management Course

(free sample anger management class available)

Do you get angry a lot?  Find you have anger management issues?  Perhaps even get violently cranky at times?  Rest assured you’re not alone. You also don’t have to deal with it alone either. Online courses like ours are specifically designed to teach you how to deal with anger. Intelligently managing anger is what it’s all about in our anger management course.

Learn to control and manage it using simple, effective anger management techniques.

Online Anger Management Course

The Dynamics Of Anger And Why It’s Natural

Anger is a completely natural emotion. It’s part of our flight or fight response, alongside stress and anxiety.  An instinctive survival reaction to danger, and a huge part of why we’re still around as a species today.  In other words, as a species we’re biologically programmed to respond in certain ways to certain stimuli.

It’s In Our Genes

Modern humans however don’t usually need to fight to survive in quite the same primitive ways we used to.  This has left us with ‘legacy’ reactions, like anger, that can be inappropriate when they happen in the wrong circumstances.

But We Don’t Really Need It As Much Today!

Unfortunately, though, modern life presents us with a whole range of such situations, all of which can invoke an involuntary anger response.  Situations that the reaction was not really designed to deal with because they are not, fundamentally, life or death scenarios. However, that’s (modern) life… as the saying goes.

The Anger Process And How You Get Angry

Instinctive survival reactions per se are brought on by certain chemical and physical changes within your body, notably the release of the flight or fight hormone adrenalin. This is why you often feel ‘pumped up’ when you get angry. It’s your adrenaline talking!

Explaining (Simply) The Anger Process

It works something like this…

You see or sense danger.  That sends a signal to your brain, which then instructs your pituitary gland to prepare you to survive the perceived threat.  By fighting, or fleeing.  The pituitary gland promptly sets a cascade of chemical reactions in motion that hones you for action.  So you take action   You either stand your ground and fight.  Or you get out of there.  Pronto.

So ‘Angry’ Is As ‘Angry’ Does

So sure – we all get ‘hot under the collar’ at times. Some of us get very wound up.  Some of us manage to keep our anger low key. The important thing to understand is that it isn’t the anger itself that’s the problem.  It’s HOW you respond to and EXPRESS it that causes your anger management issues.
Online Anger Management Course

Anger Dynamics and Why You Get Angry

Many things can cause us to get angry.  Usually it’s because we feel frustrated, deceived, threatened or disrespected by events, circumstances, or people.  Once upon a time, these feelings may have preceded a life or death situation so we got angry.  Primed ourselves to take survival action.

An Example: Road Rage

Road rage for example is a response to feeling frustrated by an event like a traffic jam. Life-threatening – usually not!  But perhaps way back when, being confronted by a gridlock of sabre tooth tigers may have presented a bit of a survival problem!

Another Example: Domestic Violence

Domestic violence likewise is often an (unacceptable!!) response to interpersonal issues and problematic relationships. It may be perceived feelings of being deceived or disrespected by someone in a close relationship, like a partner or spouse. And often exacerbated by substance use!

Again, not usually a life threatening situation these days, or at least not for the person getting aggressive. However, when you’re confronted by a disrepectful rival warrior, you can see how the dynamics of the situation would be life-threatening.  Hence the often involuntary aggressive reaction to these types of feelings.

Psychological ‘Anger’ Disorders

In certain circumstances though, research shows [1] that anger is also a clinical feature of some psychological disorders, namely:

  • Intermittent Explosive Disorder,
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder,
  • Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder,
  • Borderline Personality Disorder, and
  • Bipolar Disorder.

If you have any of these disorders, or have reason to believe you may be suffering from one of them, talk to a medical professional or contact Lifeline. These conditions require specific medical diagnosis and treatment.

What Is Anger Management?

Anger management is a set of techniques and strategies used to recognise, handle, and reduce intense feelings of anger that may lead to disruptive or unhealthy behaviour.  These techniques help you to identify and be more aware of your own anger triggers. It’s about interrupting that anger cycle.

You also learn about:

  • The forces that drive and control anger (anger dynamics)
  • The physical and psychological changes that happen when you get angry (the anger process), and
  • How to apply this knowledge to manage your anger in a healthier way.

Yes – You Get Furious. But Know There’s Probably Nothing Wrong With You

Professionals who have extensive training in dealing with anger recognise there’s often nothing wrong with people who have problems managing anger.  So no need to book a session with a psychologist or psychiatrist, or go into ‘deep therapy’!

You also probably don’t have any ‘anger’ disorder. If you do, call your doctor or Lifeline because those issues may require therapy and medical treatment.

In most cases, simply having a basic understanding of how things like your brain, and emotions, ‘work’ on a biological level helps considerably.  When you can put feelings like anger into the context of your body as a whole, and how it functions, you begin to see how you can divert them into less harmful channels. That’s where we come in – we work with you to help you develop your abilities in managing anger.
Anger Management Course Online

Personal Development For Dealing With Anger

Our online courses for anger management help foster self-awareness and provide tools to process intense feelings in healthier ways.

  • You learn to view your anger objectively.
  • Are taught how to move away from the automatic survival instinct to act on it.

Looking at your emotional reactions impartially like this makes you more aware of your triggers. You can then develop ways to reduce or remove their impact. When you start to recognise the anger cycle and how it works, you have the power to break it.

Why Do Anger Management Training

An anger management course is designed to provide you with:

  • tools to handle your anger, and
  • understand it on a deeper level.

They help you to:

  • Become more aware of what annoys you,
  • Identify and challenge irrational thoughts that lead to destructive behaviour,
  • Learn healthier ways to communicate and express your feelings,
  • Create realistic goals for yourself in order to be successful in managing your feelings, and
  • Develop strategies for controlling and regulating your conditioned responses.

Learn About Your Triggers

We all have different anger triggers.  Learn to identify yours, and how to cut them off at the pass, with our online anger management course.

Improve Your Communication Skills

Online courses for anger management help you

  • Develop essential communication skills for dealing with aggression,
  • Teach you effective techniques for expressing your emotions in a healthy and constructive manner.
  • Improve your relationships with family, friends, colleagues and anyone else you meet on a regular basis.

Improve Your Anger Management Techniques

In addition to improving communication skills, anger management online courses and other similar short courses aid with:

  • Developing improved anger management techniques.
  • Creating a healthy balance between your emotions and the world around you.

Effective Techniques To Practice

Techniques can include taking deep breaths. Counting to ten before responding to a situation, and trying to stay in the present moment. By practicing these and other techniques to manage anger, you begin to realise that instead of reacting negatively, you can choose to react positively and more constructively.

Improve Your Ability To Manage Stress And Anxiety

Using these techniques can also:

  • Lead to improved stress management.
  • Let you gain greater emotional control and
  • Develop positive and constructive responses instead of reactionary and negative responses.

Anger Management And Mental Health

When you know you are able to manage anger, it reduces stress and anxiety with positive flow-on effects for your mental well-being.  You no longer have to worry about your feelings getting out of control, and the consequences of this.  You’re in the driver’s seat.  In full control of the situation!
Anger Management Course Online

Advantages Of Our Online Short Course

Our digital anger management course has many advantages over traditional ‘in-house’ therapy. Some of them also comply with court ordered anger management certificate requirements.

They Are Cost-Effective

An e-course is usually far more cost effective than doing the same or a similar course in person.  You’re not paying for hours of the professional’s personal time, which can be expensive.

They Are Convenient

An e-learning course is usually self-paced, meaning you can complete it conveniently in your own time, at your own pace, and in private. Furthermore, you can return to it time and again for a refresher, as needed.

They Still Give You Access To Trained Professionals

Even though you’re doing your course online, your anger management coach or other trained professional is only a phone call, text message, or email away.  They’re there to offer you support, explain anything you don’t understand, and just talk you through your issues.

Manage Anger Issues With Online Anger Management Courses

We ‘get’ that you probably don’t feel comfortable talking face to face or picking up the phone. That’s normal too. People often feel they will be negatively judged for admitting they can’t always manage themselves and their behaviour.

Angry Doesn’t Automatically Mean Violent

All too often, there’s also an automatic association between anger and domestic violence. We ‘get’ that too.  However, we’re not here to judge.  We’re here to help you naturally and effectively deal with your problems.

And Seeking Help Isn’t A Sign Of Weakness

Know too that looking for help to assist with your behaviour doesn’t mean you’re weak or out of control! It means you recognise the need for support and a healthier way to express emotions like this in order to make positive changes in your daily life.  As a result, you’ll not only enjoy better health but your relationships will improve as well. Loving parents, high achievers and successful business owners and entrepreneurs are all amongst our clients who have benefitted from anger coaching with us. Some even consider anger coaching to be part of their professional development.

Online Course/Short Course To Achieve A Healthy Balance

This is why we’ve put together our online course or program for anger management. Through this complete anger management course we share some of our very best practical tools, strategies, and information about effective anger management. It is a short course you get lifetime access to, so you can access it as often as you please.

As it’s one of those self-paced courses, you also get to do it in privacy and when it suits your schedule.  Plus it’s affordable so anyone can access it.

New Up To Date Course

Most new courses for anger therapy like ours are based on the latest research and methodologies available.  We also constantly update to ensure we are including proven techniques and knowledge.

Enroll Today

Enroll in our online course for anger management today and start learning:

  • WHY you get angry – the forces that drive and control anger (anger dynamics)
  • HOW your body processes anger (anger process)
  • EFFECTIVE ways to control your anger.

At the end of the day, learning how to better control and deal with anger will improve your overall quality of life. Your mental health with thank you!

Check out these reviews from current and past clients, and get started on your online course today.

Anger Management Course Online
Work through our Online Anger Management Course in your own time. Start with a free sample class by clicking on the image above.