Several studies show that anger is very much more an issue for the urbanites than those living in rural areas. It’s probably why we urbanites often dream of and relish a break to the countryside for some peace and quiet. Just the thought of a no-matter-how-brief getaway from the hustle and bustle of the rat race city life, gives relief. Even if only for a few seconds… do you relate? It could be that you’d benefit from help with anger management.

Does this sound like the Melbourne CBD and Suburbs?

The heavy traffic and jams, noise and air pollution, non-ending crowds and queues – from public transport to getting a coffee, the constant stimulation, the plain dollar expense of city life! Experts explain “Urban living gives the brain a workout which alters how we cope with stress”.


Anger Management Melbourne

The downsides to living in the city take a toll on our physical and mental health. Urbanites are 21% more likely to have anxiety disorders and 39% more likely to have a mood disorder. A 2017 meta-analysis found rates of mental health conditions higher in cities. Conditions such as PTSD, anger management, generalised anxiety disorder along with schizophrenia and paranoia were greatly noted. It is no surprise the need for anger management is on the rise. Many people find themselves needing help with anger problems.

The constant ‘stimulation’ from city life can leave a body in a stressed out ‘fight or flight response’ state, leaving us somewhat defenceless to mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression and substance abuse. For those already with a family history of mental illness, it definitely does no favours. In fact, it increases the risk of developing psychiatric conditions like bi-polar disorder.

Better Anger Management for Better Mental and Physical Health

Living in a ‘city that never sleeps’ environment elevates levels of your stress hormone cortisol. The increased levels may manifest into cardiovascular disease, affect your quality of sleep or cause insomnia even. An already compromised lifestyle further aided perhaps by too much processed or fast food and self-medicated alcohol, lends itself to a greater risk of weight gain, high blood pressure and diabetes. Then the inevitable throngs encountered in the day-to-day life of urbanites does nothing good for your already weakened immunity system. Leave alone the cold and flu, COVID and its very rapid spread said/says it all. The anger coaching that we provide here can help reduce those stress levels. Call us for a complimentary, no obligation conversation.

Where There’s Smoke, There’s Anger

Anger is a basic human emotion. It is a natural response to physical or emotional pain associated with unpleasant feelings. It is thus defined as a second-hand emotion, a combination of pain with anger triggering thoughts.

The many frustrations encountered in city life sometimes prevent the smooth achievement of even simple day to day activities. Whether that’s finding a close enough park when you need to run a quick errand to progression of your work schedule. Perhaps it took you two hours to get to work because of a traffic jam instead of the usual 30 minutes…

All said it can be deduced the stage is definitely set for the generation of the very normal human emotion of anger, as a result of living in the big smoke. When you are anxious for how life will unfold for yet another day, being fearful perhaps of the usual instigators of stress – be it people or circumstance, feeling powerless as you circumnavigate your day, managing your anger – even the subconscious – may prove the answer. Read ‘anger management’.

Managing The Need for Calm in the Chaos

The good news is – because of the higher risk and levels of mental illness in the cities, there is also a lot of help available to manage these issues. However, there are also a few preventative measures we can take before things get out of hand. Getting a grip on upsetting emotions supports our capacity to cope with stress. Here are some ways to hack into your natural ‘happy chemicals’.

Spending time outdoors

in parks with green open spaces, walks in nature with the natural habitat will do wonders to help reset the brains emotional temperature. Include some meditation and a wholesome meal for a complete reboot! (aka A serotonin fix)

Social interactions

allow us to establish social connections and form intimacy, which in turn may even improve our physical health. More so, including the pets, volunteering your time/skills or having a massage will do wonders too! (aka An oxytocin fix)


is an obvious choice to improve not just your physical health but mental too, and will promote good sleep. Don’t discount listening to music, dancing, laughter, doing things you enjoy! (aka A dopamine/endorphin fix)


Another important coping method is to talk about it. We offer coaching in Anger Management, so don’t hesitate to call. Receiving validation from others, be it a caring friend, life coach or therapist, can help reduce the chance of something more serious and long term occurring from constant and unrelieved stress – burnout, generalised anxiety, major depression – Talk. It. Out.

Strategies for managing frustration and anger

Stress can cause a lot of anger to be suppressed until – it can’t. It can also unearth a lot of pent-up anger from decades ago. Management of that anger is crucial to a calm mindset that encompasses a healthy, happier and peaceful lifestyle. Call for assistance to better understand and better control your anger. We can help. Let’s talk.