Some people think that red haired people have bad tempers because they have a ‘fiery’ crown.  Well, of course that’s nonsense, isn’t it!  Other people are known to be ‘short tempered’ because that’s how they are.  Actually, a ‘short fuse’ or bad-tempered disposition is not a normal, natural and acceptable state for a person to perpetually live in.  We’re not born angry, and anger does not come from nowhere.  There are underlying reasons for and causes of anger.  This is the case whether it’s the occasional, mild outburst or something stronger and more destructive.  If you have come to this page, then you’ll be curious about anger management Gold Coast people.  You’re in the right place for down to earth, no nonsense anger help.


Anger Management Gold Coast

No Quiz or Checklist Needed

If you’re researching this topic, then you’ll certainly benefit from connecting with our Anger Management Coach .  If there’s any doubt in your mind whatsoever about whether your emotions and actions are reasonable and healthy, then you know you need to be here.  We won’t be asking you to complete any quiz to see whether there’s an issue or not.  A checklist of behaviours, thoughts or feelings to tick off won’t clarify things any further.  If things are ‘out of whack’, you know it.  Either you’re feeling disturbed or miserable yourself, or you’ve ‘been told’.  Often those around us can see something we don’t easily recognise.  After all, we live with ourselves.  We offer anger management Gold Coast people relate to and benefit from. If your self esteem is getting a hammering from anger issues, we can help you. Call for an obligation free discussion:

Anger Management Gold Coast

Personalised Anger Coaching

Our Anger Management Gold Coast service is personalised.  We find anger coaching is generally a very private and personal experience.  It’s not always easy to feel comfortable and discuss this kind of topic.  So, we offer one on one personalised anger coaching for our clients.  We take clients through our Anger Management Course at a pace that works for them individually.  The pace and path can look different for each individual.  This is because we all have different personalities, backgrounds, experiences and anger triggers.

Furthermore, some people have ongoing frustrations that they’ve been dealing with for a long time.  For others, the experience of anger issues is more recent.  Consequently, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach or time frame when it comes to getting to the root of the problem and on how to manage anger.

Anger Management GC

Anger isn’t all Bad

What we might call ‘good’ anger is actually a good thing.  Psychologists may refer to this type of anger as ‘healthy’ anger, because it does have a purpose for humans.  Healthy anger has a problem solving purpose, meaning it stirs us to address an injustice or solve a problem we or our ‘clan’ might be experiencing.  Healthy anger gives us the ability to defend ourselves and not let others take advantage of us.

Anger becomes problematic when emotional wounds are deep, fears are great and perspective is lost.  People become angry when they carry hurt and fear and do not have the know-how to cope.

For example – do you know anyone who was ever taught to deal with emotional hurt and fears at school?  Isn’t that where we actually got most of those issues?  We jest – somewhat!  Life throws everyone challenges, but it doesn’t naturally equip people to deal with those challenges.  Self esteem can take a beating when we can’t coppe with things that are going wrong. That’s why we provide Anger Management Coaching – to become masters of understanding anger and then managing it.

Who Does the Anger Coaching?

If you’d like to connect with a coach who has done the hard yards, learned from personal experience combined with expert training and coaching certification and made transformational life changes, then you are in the right place.

Our Anger Management Coach knows where you are coming from and is able to work through the process with you.  You want someone who ‘gets’ what you’re experiencing and isn’t operating from a text book perspective.

Furthermore, we keep it simple.  Our anger coaching is straightforward, down to earth, real and relatable.  We meet you where you are right now, help you understand triggers, reactions and perspectives and then work with you towards the person you want to be.  Call for an obligation free conversation about how this might work for you:

Anger Management GC Qld

Anger Management Gold Coast

By the time you’ve experienced working with our Anger Management Coach you’ll be clear on the contrast between healthy and unhealthy anger.  Furthermore, you’ll understand what’s underneath unhealthy anger and why it causes such a problem in our lives.

You’ll be relieved to know that people with anger management issues are good, deserving, loving people who are hurt or fearful and probably both.  By dealing with the issues, we can come to the solution.  It may not happen overnight, but transformational changes are possible for many.
Anger Management Gold Coast

No Quick Fixes or Sign Offs

We work with people who want real change for their loved ones, friends, family, work colleagues and themselves.  Real change that lasts can take time.  Consequently, although the ‘theory’ of how to manage and express anger appropriately can be conveyed in a matter of hours, the reality is that real change usually takes practice.  If anger issues have been in place or brewing for a long time, they’ve become habits.  Habit change can take some time.  As a result, we do not offer quick courses like you’ll find online or one-off coaching sessions in order to meet court orders.  We are, however, happy to offer an obligation free conversation (or two) with you to discuss how our Anger Management coaching might work for you:

Anger Management Gold Coast