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Anger Management for Women – Why do Females Have Anger Issues?

Anger Management for Women

The Need for Managing Anger

Statistics available at the Queensland Courts website reveal 28,557 Domestic Violence Orders (DVOs) were lodged statewide in the year 21-22. Of these, 21,075 were initiated by the aggrieved female, 7426 by the aggrieved male with 56 representing ‘unknown’.

Anger and women

Sadly but unsurprisingly, where the aggrieved was female and the respondent male, the total DVO’s eventuated was 16,634. Alarmingly however, we need to note here that there were not only 3,814 orders granted to aggrieved males against female respondents, there was a total of 1,927 where both the aggrieved AND respondent were female. Yes, the need for female anger management is on the rise…

Women Get Angry, Too…

… and when they do, it is so much more of a headline news. From a ‘girl’ fight at school to female road rage we gasp at its degradation. Women are known to ‘bottle-up’, cry it out, suppress and bury their anger because society says it is apparently most unbecoming and very unfeminine.

Human emotions

Yet, anger is another human response, a natural emotion- albeit negative. We all experience angry feelings when things don’t go our way. When we feel mistreated, misunderstood, dissatisfied, frustrated, fearful, pained – both physically and mentally. Chronic stress, unresolved anger, depression – more catalysts for your anger.

Difficult situation

Females are facing increasing amounts of pressure as modern times evolve further. Those of whom work full or part-time outside the home often still bear the duty of home and child care once they walk in the door. Those who choose to work from home or be stay at home mums may face a bit of a different scenario but the end result is the same.

Society expectations

No matter the status – economic, social, education – women are “stressed out” with the constant responsibilities, restraints on and disruptions of their time. Add to this the expectations of society that they look good, feel good, stay healthy AND smile, all at the same time, every time. Is it any wonder the resentment builds, the guilt grows and you curse whoever said you can have your cake and eat it too! The ongoing impact of such an internal conflict on a person is not without consequences.

Secret Women’s Business

Women’s anger management issues are now not only recognised but acknowledged with understanding and the gravity it deserves. At Anger Management Brisbane we offer effective ways to manage the anger. We help you work through the feeling of anger and identify the triggers that lead to anger issues. To understand precisely where and in your particular case, the pent up anger and frustration is coming from. Importantly, we strive to help you practice techniques to gain control of your anger. Sometimes this means new skills and often we’ll call on familiar cultural wisdom that combines some self care and alternative ways to manage anger.

Children, relationships and families benefit

Holding on to your anger only means it will rear its ugly head at a most inopportune moment. If not necessarily in the physical sense, then we also need to remember that angry words and manner cut deep too. Most so with the kids…they will understand least your frustration and seemingly anger with/to them. No matter that it is most always borne out of great love and concern for their safety and care.

Support and understanding

Female anger management will help you express anger safely and appropriately. When, with our support, women begin to own anger and identify feelings, their self esteem benefits. We help you to deal with your emotions and temper, so you become able to manage and no longer fly off the handle – at your kids, your partner, your family – the lady who cut you off on the road.

Dealing with angry feelings

Helping you in learning to deal with your anger, to react in a suitable manner to the situation and to improve communication of your grievances productively (no, not the finger!) is what we do here at Anger Management Brisbane. Talk to us for personalised services or avail yourself of our reasonably priced online course – we long to assist.

Tips to Manage Anger and Reduce Stress

The problem with feeling angry is it causes us to act unreasonably, illogically. Following are some simple yet powerful skills and strategies that may help you heed and deal, even temporarily, with managing anger.

  • An oldie but goodie. As your anger rises take a literal step back, a deeeeep breath and count to 10. Take this time to calm yourself and think before you act.Choose a behaviour that diffuses and dignifies, not degrades, the situation and all concerned.
  • Own your behaviour. You are totally responsible for how you present yourself. Try to accept situations for what and people for whom they are.
  • You are more in control than you feel. You can state “I am calm” ; “this isn’t my business”; “I am better than this”.
  • Identify your stress triggers. and think of different ways to reduce or even eliminate them.For example if getting everyone out the door in the morning is a monumental effort in itself, try either preparing what you (and everyone concerned) can the night before. Or plan on getting up a half hour earlier to facilitate a more organised, and perhaps even a more joyful, circumstance.Dealing with difficulties in our lives isn’t always easy, but being proactive about solutions is the most powerful way to effective solutions. We need to take responsibility, because quite often, no one else can or will.
  • Practice self care. The proverbial ‘me-time’ is famous for a reason! Take time to do things alone that you enjoy and make you feel good about yourself.This is important for developing and practicing feelings of self worth and for developing ongoing resilience and good mental health.
  • Be and focus on yourself without trying to emulate or compete with anyone else. Believe in changing your mind for the better.We only have control over ourselves. We cannot change others. Our relationship with ourself needs to be healthy before we can expect to have strong and positive relationships with others.

Managing Anger Starts Here

Ultimately, the priority is to identify the triggers of your anger, which sometimes involves acknowledging the hurt behind it. In the course of our anger coaching process each person is guided to learn more about their personality type and how that trait shapes their individual way of experiencing anger.

We explore how to link thoughts with feelings.  Then, it’s often easier then to see where the inner conflict begins! And, in the course of gaining understanding and clarity of what it going on, the hope for a better feeling future is born.

The past cannot be changed and a former upset won’t vanish. Yet, the ability to have personalised strategies and techniques for managing anger will be the path to happier families and better relationships

With some self determination and support during your coaching relationship with us, you’ll be sure to become confident enough to present the cool-cucumber other side of you 🙂

Let Anger Management Brisbane offer you a ride to calm .