If you’re struggling with managing anger you may be wondering if it’s something unique to you and if there’s something seriously wrong with you.  Firstly, it’s not unique to you.  Secondly, in all likelihood, there’s nothing seriously wrong with you.  Here’s an interesting concept that we believe in – good mental health is a learned skill!  Especially in modern times, in the western world, where we are so disconnected with our natural self and so ingrained in our manic lifestyles and bombarded by digital messages.

We listen to hear and understand, not just to reply

Chances are you need to be listened to – and be heard – by someone who ‘gets’ you.  And you will likely benefit from having some seemingly secret, essential life basics revealed to you.  Some fundamental basics that you’ve never been taught, never been told and likely never heard about.  Because, incredible as it seems, not many people do know these secrets.  Most likely, you’ve suffered some pain and trauma – intentional or unintentional – and you’ve never recovered from it.  You may not even remember anything untoward that happened to you.  Many people fear they need a psychologist or counsellor, when chances are you simply need an anger management coach.

That’s what we do.

Anger Management Coach Services

Anger Management Coach

Rather like a serious athlete desires to release unhelpful habits and practice the habits that will take them to stardom, so to do those of us who want to better ourselves.  As your personal anger coach, we start where you are now.  Then, we work on how to guide you to where you’d like to be.

A better me – a better you

Most people desire to be the best version of themselves.  They desire to be better fathers, better mothers, better spouses and partners, better workmates.  Largely, this process requires some insights into what is going on inside you. We seek to understand what thoughts and emotions you’re experiencing that are sufficiently problematic that they are able to spur unreasonable levels of, or occurrences of, disturbing anger.

Starting with self awareness

By being here, reading this page, you are already demonstrating self awareness – that you can be a better version of you.  That there must be help out here somewhere.  You’re right – there is.


Anger means something’s not quite right

Anger is a valid emotion.  Without anger, no one would stand up when injustice is served or when a wrong needs to be righted.  Healthy anger protects us.  However, in the absence of a reasonable threat, excessive or constant anger suggests something is out of kilter within the person.

Express the anger

Of course, it’s not a matter of ignoring or supressing/repressing anger.  In fact, this is likely what’s been a contributor in the first place!  Anger certainly must be expressed and worked through.  But this needs to happen safely and appropriately.  Your personal coach helps you do this. It’s important to not so much control your anger, as manage your anger in a healthy and safe way.

Underlying programming

Anger can be described as a ‘secondary’ emotion.  This means it’s what happens when a deeper feeling or emotion is underlying.  Underlying emotions are often subconscious, so we won’t even know what’s going on.  An experienced coach helps with identifying what’s going on inside.  Pinpointing the main anger triggers a person has, is part of the process of anger coaching and one of the things we focus on in our anger management course. Then, ways to deal with these triggers, and respond appropriately safely and constructively is the next part of the process.

Anger management

This is why working with our anger coach works.  The process helps to reveal the main issues that trigger and fuel the anger.  Knowing why we’re feeling angry – deep down, not just on the surface – is key to managing anger successfully.

Anger Coaching

At Anger Management Brisbane we offer one on one anger coaching, which is ideal for those seeking individual attention and assistance.  The coaching process is tailored to your particular needs and paced to suit your lifestyle and aspirations.  Personal, one on one anger coaching addresses the same principles as we do in our anger management course .  However, if you need to delve deeper in one area, or spend longer clarifying your understanding, the pace can be adjusted to suit.

Anger Coaching

In general, the longer the anger coaching relationship continues the more thorough the problem solving and healing can be.  In addition, more lasting results can be expected from longer term coaching that guides you through regular practice of the ‘new’ way of dealing with life that is developed for you.

Some of our clients are able to fund their anger coaching via their National Disability Insurance Scheme .

Anger Management Course

An Anger Management Course is offered for those who prefer to participate in a group learning and “doing” environment.  Whether this preference is for affordability purposes or social reasons, Anger Management Brisbane is happy to oblige.  Our Anger Management Course is warm and welcoming, inclusive and discrete.  Our coaches are caring, gentle and empathic people who do what they do to enable people to become the person they want to be.  We treat all participants in our Anger Management Course with the respect and compassion they deserve. In return, we anticipate the same!

Anger Management Course

Our Anger Management Course runs periodically and lasts for 6 weeks with an option to continue for an additional 6 weeks of personal development coaching.  Please contact us on the number below to find out the dates of our next Course and to register your interest.

Anger Management Course Inclusions and Outcomes:

Working with us will help you to:

  • Recognise the triggers that set you off and release your anger
  • Work out what is lying underneath those triggers
  • Realise the consequences of continuing life with anger issues in this way
  • Imagine and dream the preferred way you’d like life to be
  • Explore and discuss alternative ways of viewing triggers – perspectives, if you like
  • Adopt constructive ways to deal with triggers and your underlying emotions
  • Practice being the person you want to be – and reconnect back with your coach for any clarification or adjustment needed

Who Seeks Out an Anger Coach

In short, people from all walks of life!  Men, women, young people, mature people.  Professionals, academics, service people, trades people.  People who care.  Care about their friends, family, loved ones – care about themselves and their future.

The brave and courageous seek guidance

It takes a great deal of courage to admit that change is needed.  And further courage to confess that a little guidance is needed!  When you’re ready to become the person you know you can be, that you’ve always wanted to be, we’re here to lend a helping hand.

Understanding can come quickly

Remember the athlete wanting to reach greater heights.  You’re not broken or flawed.  You’re at a certain level of performance and want to shed a few inefficient techniques.  Then, with skilled and compassionate anger coaching, we help you develop powerful anger management techniques so you can take on constructive and powerful new habits and fly.

True, gradual habit change powerfully cements new behaviour

You’ll feel freer and empowered to be the best version of yourself.

If you or someone you care about is:

  • angry regularly, or seemingly “all the time”
  • often in trouble or conflict due to angry behaviour
  • a potential danger to themselves or others as a result of angry behaviour

then there is a good chance that anger coaching will be of great benefit.