There are many forms of treatment recommended for the management of anger. Of equal importance, especially in these very modern of times, is choice of delivery. Traditionally, to get help with anger issues, in-person sessions were the norm. But in recent years, the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic especially impressed upon us the necessity for alternatives.


Anger Management Canberra

Australia Wide Services

The ubiquity of WFH (work from home) and the mushrooming of food delivery companies took care of some of the immediate needs of families and individuals. At the same time, IN-HOME treatment and therapy thrived and also became the ‘new’ norm.

If anything, it also brought up a realisation in many a desperate soul the need for some anger management consultation. Isolation in the home even exacerbated emotional issues, strained relationships and highlighted many anger triggers.

Connected to Canberra

It was through the frustration and difficulties of these times that we opted to develop our anger management services to be able to deliver coaching to clients Australia wide. Hence, clients located in Canberra, as well as Melbourne, Perth and other centres around Australia were able to be assisted with our online/phone coaching.

Reach Out for Anger Management Help

We welcome your enquiry and offer a complimentary, obligation free conversation. If you are regularly, or constantly, struggling with feelings of anger and are concerned, we can help you develop the insight, strategies and skills to manage your anger in a healthy way.

Anger Management Treatment Delivered – Whatever Your Location

Online, over the phone or in-person (we come to you), our Anger Management Canberra delivers.

Anger management courses are offered through our website together with anger coaching, available by appointment. The popular choice of anger coaching is conducted with good old fashioned one to one talks over the phone, pre-arranged to your convenience. In-person coaching is also available by appointment. Discussing and/or confirming your option(s) is only one call away. A call we are ready to take.

It’s Only Human…to Have Feelings, Emotions and Get Angry

The need for anger management would be the same most anywhere we humans live and breathe. At home in Canberra, the home of the seat of Government in our country must certainly offer its own interesting array of causes! Political ‘debates’ abound no doubt – with Parliament House a hop, skip and jump away – and inevitably, stress levels will coincide.

Stress Response

Canberra is a bustling city, smaller than the Eastern Seaboard neighbours of Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, but hectic and stressful for many just the same. Financial stress (both rental and mortgage stress) is a big one. Mental health suffers when a person is under sustained stress – whatever the cause.

Learn techniques to manage your anger

If you find yourself getting angry often and then worrying about whether you are starting to lose control of your feelings because you express anger with rage or even violence, it is time to take charge. It’s time to address the issue and find a more positive way to get on top of the anger emotion – before it harms your relationships with loved ones or in the office at work.

Related issues

Anger can also be indicative of a more serious mental health condition like bi-polar, PTSD, sleep disorders for which only professional and/or medical help will do. Please know with initial and any on-going consultation, we will give you honest advice if we feel the assistance you require is out of our further depth and expertise.

Coaching helps

Even simply the ‘daily grind’, at the very least (and generally most of us are exposed to it), seems to bring out the symptoms of stress in many of us. Physical symptoms such as raised blood pressure, anxiety levels as well as less than healthy self esteem feelings leave us drained. Family and relationships are usually the first to suffer from out of kilter expressions of anger.

Skills and techniques to move on from past issues

Our clients generally very quickly view their life with a whole different perspective – through a different lens, even, once we have embarked on a journey with them, delivering them a good dose of support and coaching. Our anger management coaching achieves the ability to ‘see’ things in a different light – working out to many a happier outcome. Our anger management techniques firstly work to identify the main triggers of angry feelings, and then move on to ways of managing the feelings. It is a process, but a logical, insightful and amazingly liberating one.

Unhurried sessions

Pent-up and unresolved issues will, over time, blur the today and everyday view. Old habits die hard as the saying goes and we aim to work with you to identify those habits or patterns, perhaps learned since childhood – seeking to find a way forward that answers the at times bewildering evocation of that “where did that come from?!” fit of anger.

It can take some time, but we aim to set you up to be firstly – aware of self – and then – aware of the role of others – in affecting emotions. Ultimately, you’ll grow to better understand your feelings of anger. And, in doing so you will be more able to control – or diffuse – your feelings of anger, rather than direct them towards your partner, family, or others. It’s okay to get angry! But it’s important to express that anger in an appropriate way, and that’s what we help you with.

Treatment that works

Working with our anger coaches can help if you’re struggling with anger management. Together with an earnest, sincere intent to improve the quality of your life, you can become adept with techniques for recognising, steadying and controlling your emotions. The skill of which, by the way, once mastered will also assist you in also better dealing with, for example, a loved ones anger.

Learn Key Anger Management Strategies – Act Now

Regardless of location, our anger management coaching services offer a better way to view and manage your anger. If you learn how to master your emotions, you learn how to master your life. Enjoy better health – both physical and mental health – and nurture your special relationships rather than potentially damage them forever with out of control angry emotional outbursts.

Make that change today to fix, control, master. Choose to be the best version of you. With our help, you can.

Our anger management strategies work. We can show you how to turn your negative situation into mastery of your emotions. You’re only one call away…