Fixing Anger Issues

There is a way to deal with excessive anger and stop feeling so bad.  Beneath the anger is something more fundamental.  At Anger Management Brisbane we work alongside you on the triggers, the fuel, the outcomes, so all becomes clearer – and calmer.  We offer natural, human-connected, nonjudgemental, coaching guidance solutions to anger issues.

About Our Coaching

Our anger coaching clients work one-on-one with a mature, skilled, experienced and empathetic certified coach.  Our coaches come from a background of practical experience and self-development before they themselves became coaches.  In other words, we’ve ‘been where you are now’ and likely have walked in your shoes.  We ‘get’ how you feel in a more connected way than an academically trained practitioner is likely to.

Out of Control Anger Issues a Thing of the Past

Anger Management Brisbane aims to improve the quality of the lives of our clients.  We do this with our uniquely personal approach.  Your anger coaching sessions aren’t rigidly timed and closed down ‘on the dot’ of the prescribed time period.  You aren’t required to divulge all areas of your past life and relationships and actions.  Your past experiences will be one contributing factor to your current challenges (and blessings), but we don’t need to know of them to help you.

Human connection, not medical intervention

Coaching aims to guide you from beside you, rather than instruct you from behind a desk.  In fact, we suggest you’ll find our coaching style more like having a conversation with a wise old sage or respected senior friend.  We take the time to build mutual trust and start from a position of respect.  At the same time, if we find the shoe doesn’t fit, we don’t try to wear it.  If we feel we may not be able to help you, we’ll be honest about that.

Anger Issues

We don’t consider what we do to be mental health services, in the commonly used forms of the terminology.  Although in reality, we are talking about mental health.  What we mean by this is that rather than come from a place of considering a person seeking assistance for anger issues as ‘broken’, we treat it quite differently.  Generally missing in the understanding of a person seeking anger coaching or an anger management course is some facts that would have been handy to know as a youngster.

What they failed to teach us (because they didn’t know themselves)

The human brain is amazing.  It is so clever – and also so predictable.  Many of our human responses can be traced back to something logical.  Much of this we are never taught, though!  We tend to ‘get’ the major stuff.  For example, if someone suffers from alcoholism it’s all to easy to note ‘their mother/father was an alcoholic’.  And a good deal of our personality can be attributed to genetics.  But that’s not the end of the story.  Fortunately, there are other influences.  Fantastically, the more we understand, the more power we have to steer our own future.  We don’t have to be stuck in the patterns of the past.

If dealing with the anger issues that are tormenting you and damaging your relationships has become too much, call us for a discussion.  There is no cost and no obligation to commit to a coaching program.

Anger Issues

How long do anger issues take to fix?

You don’t want to hear this, but it’s the same answer as to the question ‘how long is a piece of string?’  It depends.  If anger issues have been part of your makeup since you were young, and now you are mature, you’ve had a lot of practice at being angry.  Bringing about changes in patterns that have become well-entrenched take a bit more effort and time than more recently arisen problems.

The longer the coaching relationship, the deeper we can go into discussing changes and coping techniques.  In addition, with more time to commit there is ample time to practice new habits and develop new patterns.  We can be there for feedback, adjustment, tweaking and moral support with a longer term approach.  Typically one could anticipate more lasting results with a longer coaching relationship.

However, your coach will endeavour to empower you and help you realise results as quickly as they possibly can.  Everyone loves quick wins!  We have no reason to draw out your success and will not be holding anything back.

We suggest considering a minimum of a six month coaching plan, with 12 months being preferable.  However, we don’t ask you to sign a contract or hold you to an arrangement if you’re not happy.

Anger Management

Complimentary Initial Conversation

Anger Management Brisbane work on a ‘try before you buy’ approach.  Call us to book in for an initial conversation at a time that suits you.  Your coach will set aside that time to have a warm and friendly conversation with you and you can test the water on this call.  If you like what you hear, feel safe, feel listened to and see the value we offer, we look forward to working with you.  If you decide as a result of the call that you don’t want to take it any further, that is okay too.  Because, if you don’t think we (or anyone else for that matter) can help you – then you’re correct!

Call to book:

Anger Coaching